Nabi adalah orang yang menerima wahyu untuk dirinya sendiri dan tidak diwajibkan menyampaikan kepada manusia sedangkan Rasul adalah orang yang menerima wahyu untuk dirinya sendiri dan diwajibkan untuk menyampaikanya kepada Umat Manusia, Nabi dan rasul diangkan Allah untuk berdakwah, memberikan kabar gembira kepada orang-orang beriman dan beramal shaleh bahwa mereka akan mendapatkan pahala dan imbalan yang baik, serta memberikan ancaman kepada orang kafir yang beramal jelek bahwa mereka akan mendapatkan siksa yang pedih.
Nabi dan Rasul dipilih Allah sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya, jadi seseorang tidak bisa berusaha menjadi Nabi atau Rasul walaupun ia taat dan berilmu tinggi.
Para Nabi dan Rasul mempunyai 4 sifat wajib dan 4 sifat mustahil, serta satu sifat jaiz, yaitu :
1.Shiddiq (benar), Mustahil ia Kizib (dusta).
2.Amanah (dapat dipercaya), mustahil Khianat (curang).
3.Tabliqh (Menyampaikan wahyu kepada umatnya), Mustahil Kitman (menyembunyikan Wahyu).
4.Fathonah (Pandai/cerdas), Mustahil Jahlun (Bodoh).
5.Bersifat jaiz yaitu Aradhul Basyariyah (sifat-sifat sebagaimana manusia).
Di dunia ini telah banyak Nabi dan Rasul telah diturunkan, tetapi yang wajib diketahui oleh umat Islam adalah sebanyak 25 Nabi dan Rasul, yaitu :
Nabi Adam as
Nabi Idris as
Nabi Nuh as
Nabi Huud as
Nabi Shaleh as
Nabi Ibrahim as
Nabi Ismail as
Nabi Luth as
Nabi Ishaq as
Nabi Ya’qub as
Nabi Yusuf as
Nabi Syu’aib as
Nabi Ayyub as
Nabi Dzulkifli as
Nabi Musa as
Nabi Harun as
Nabi Daud as
Nabi Sulaiman as
Nabi Ilyas as
Nabi Ilyasa as
Nabi Yunus as
Nabi Zakaria as
Nabi Yahya as
Nabi Isa as
Nabi Muhammad saw
Diantara 25 Nabi dan Rasul ada yang disebut Ulul 'Azmi yang artinya Suatu gelar yang diberikan Allah kepada para Nabi dan Rasul yang memiliki kedudukan tinggi/istimewa karena ketabahan, kesabaran dan kemampuan mantap dan jiwa yang teguh serta hati yang kukuh dalam berjuang menegagkan dan menyebarkan agama Allah. Hanya Lima Nabi dan Rasul diantaranya yang memiliki julukan Ulul 'Azmi dari beberapa Rasul yang telah diutus oleh Allah.
Nabi Dan Rasul Yang Mempunyai Gelar Ulul 'Azmin Antara Lain :
Nabi Nuh Alaihi salam
Nabi Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
Nabi Musa Alaihi Salam
Nabi Isa Alaihi Salam
Nabi Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam
Dari Kelima Nabi Tersebut Mereka mengalami cobaan yang sangat berat dalam menghadapi Ummat, Kesengsaraan dan Penderitaanya hampir kelewat batas.
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Prophet is a person who receives revelation for himself and is not obliged to pass on to humans while the Apostle is the person who receives revelation for himself and was required to menyampaikanya to Mankind, prophets and apostles diangkan God to preach, give glad tidings to the believers and righteous deeds that they will get the reward and the reward is good, and provide a threat to the disbelievers who labor ugly that they will get a painful punishment.
Prophets and Apostles chosen by God according to His will, so one could not trying to be the prophet or apostle although he was obedient and highly knowledgeable.
Prophets and Apostles have 4 properties are required and 4 nature is impossible, and one jaiz properties, namely:
1.Shiddiq (true), it is impossible Kizib (lie).
2.Amanah (trustworthy), treasonous impossible (cheaters).
3.Tabliqh (Delivering revelation to his people), Impossible Kitman (hide Revelation).
4.Fathonah (Smart / intelligent), Impossible Jahlun (Stupid).
5.Bersifat jaiz namely Aradhul Basyariyah (nature as human beings).
In this world has many Prophets and Messengers have been lowered, but that must be known by Muslims is as much as 25 Prophets and Apostles, namely:
Prophet Adam
Prophet Idris
Prophet Noah
Prophet Hud as
Prophet Salih as
Prophet Ishmael
Prophet Lut
Prophet Ishaq as
Nabi Ya'qub as
Prophet Yusuf
Prophet Shoaib as
Prophet Ayyub as
Prophet Dzulkifli as
Prophet Musa
Prophet Harun as
Prophet David as
Prophet Sulayman
Prophet Elias as
Prophet Elisha as
The prophet Jonah as
Prophet Zakaria as
Prophet Yahya
Prophet Isa
Prophet Muhammad SAW
Among the 25 Prophets and Apostles there called Ulul 'Azmi which means a title given by God to the Prophets and Apostles who had high standing / special because fortitude, patience and steady capability and soul steadfast and heart firmly in the fight menegagkan and propagate religion God. Only five of the Prophet and Messenger of which has the nickname Ulul 'Azmi of several Apostles who had been sent by God.
Having prophets and apostles degree Ulul 'Azmin between:
Noah alaihi salam
Prophet Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
Moses Alaihi Salam
Jesus Alaihi Salam
Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam
Fifth of the prophet They experienced a very severe test in the face of Ummah, Misery and his suffering is almost too far.
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